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  • 10/09/15 - In The Great Desert:
    • New encounter: Sand Barge!
    • Increased the amount of Knowledge you can get from the mystic, and increased the minimum to 25.
    • Changed focus to % display.
    • Small amount of Baboon feedback shown now.
    • Added robuster error handling for back button errors.
  • 06/21/15 - In The Great Desert:
    • Added stats box to sandstorm, and text saying what each choice does.
    • Reduced the amount of stuff you might lose from the sandstorm to 1/3 of your total stuff, down from 1/2.
    • Changed the amount of junk needed to build shelters at the sandstorm, a little less of your total junk and a little more of your total food.
    • Removed losing people from the sandstorm.
    • Made it so that if you lose turns to an encounter (like digging in for the sandstorm), it doesn't skip over special fixed encounters.
    • Added Burial Ground encounter.
  • 06/15/15 - In The Great Desert:
    • Added 'you have a feeling' to warn you of upcoming special encounters.
    • Increased the tranquility reward at the Oasis, the Ruins and the Bleached Bones.
    • Added new mini-stats box to some encounter screens, to help you make more informed choices.
    • Now shows % chance to teach the traders.
    • Added Analyze Game State link, and included food per turn in the analysis.
  • 06/10/15 - In The Great Desert:
    • Added opening and closing pictures.
  • 06/03/15 - In The Great Desert:
    • Made the main screen resposive for mobile.
    • Added light up stat changes on main screen.

  • 02/07/10 - In The Great Desert: Added pictures for the encounters.

  • 05/09/09 - In The Great Desert: reformatted the encounter screens with larger text, more whitespace and lined up buttons. Also increased the font size for the text area on the main screen.

  • 01/22/08 - In The Great Desert: Made a more sombre message for after encountering the well, to replace "You feel invigorated!".

  • 08/19/05 - In The Great Desert:
    • New random encounters: Sand Shrine, and Sandstorm.
    • Traders now trade at 2 junk for 1 food, instead of 3 for 1.
    • Wandering Mystic gives much better rewards, and is different depending on your stats.
    • You can no longer study at the generic Ruins.
    • Monk power now gives a small amount of tranquility each turn, even if you don't meditate.
    • Baboon power does an additional mysterious thing.
    • High scores reset.
  • 06/24/05 - In The Great Desert:
    • Concentration doubles tranquility made, instead of giving a small bonus and decreasing the time to maximum focus.
    • Monk: tranquility bonus increased by x3, focus bonus by 20% (you get to maximum focus faster).
    • When meditating, knowledge is half as useful as it was, and focus starts 10% lower (it now takes longer to get to maximum focus).
    • If people leave due to hunger while you are meditating, your focus drops to 0, unless you have concentration, and then it drops by 1.
    • Knowledge gained from exploring the Ruins of Ashkelon reduced to 1 to 5 per person, down from 1 to 10 per person.
    • Philosopher power now brings +2 knowledge a turn, up from +1.
  • 04/24/05 - In The Great Desert:
    • Changed to side controls on the action screen.
    • Increased the amount of junk and food brought by the small band when you are wandering, to x6 and x2 respectively.
    • Renamed "meditation level" as "focus", and added it to the main display.

  • 07/18/04 - In The Great Desert: Two new encounters added. One random, "bleached bones", and one fixed, "the Ruins of Ashkelon".

  • 07/17/03 - Cost of The Great Desert lowered to 4 credits.

  • 05/27/02 - Bonus turns for certain results added to the Great Desert.

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