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2024 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - See all Changes - The Well - Great Desert - Lost City - Ruins - Forgotten Forest - Western Dunes - Catacombs - Sandy Wastes - Outer Ruins - New Earth - Celestial Tower - Sub. Realms - Mines - Alien Journey - GENERAL
  • 10/28/11 - In The Journey to New Earth:
    • Added a new planet encounter, the storm in the wilderness.
    • Added a new city encounter, a shady person.
    • Added Mining Lasers, as well as two new secret mystery items.
    • Now, in relevant encounters it shows how much stuff you have, so you can better determine a course of action.
    • Now, there is a limit of 7 shrines per planet, down from 12. Also, shrines give you double their previous reward for building them.
    • Added a small virtue reward for talking to people but failing to convince them of anything.
    • Widened the main display, adjusted some encounter chances, and fixed a few typos.
  • 09/22/11 - The Celestial Tower got its main screen reformatted to be more compact and concise.
  • 08/17/11 - In The Journey to New Earth:
    • Once you meet a prophet, he adds clues to the location of the next prophet onto the map.
    • Once you have met the Sixth Prophet, he gives clues to find him again.
    • Added 'return to the prophet' text into the tasks area when you have finished a task, to make it explicit that it is time to go back and get your reward from the prophets.
  • 07/27/11 - In The Well:
    • Added pictures for five non-monster encounters.
    • Fixed it so relentless monsters stop chasing you if you run and drop to 1 health.
    • Re-arranged the encounter screen to be clearer, and added hover text for monster special abilities.
    • Changed the monster ability 'shrouded in mist' to 'sulfurous' to be shorter and clearer.
    • The altar now shows up randomly, like the treasure chamber, instead of appearing at fixed levels each game.
    • Now when you boost a skill, you get a turn.
  • 07/20/11 - Finally got a replacement for my local server! Now I can edit the pages easily again. In honor of that, I fixed a few typos.
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