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2024 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - See all Changes - The Well - Great Desert - Lost City - Ruins - Forgotten Forest - Western Dunes - Catacombs - Sandy Wastes - Outer Ruins - New Earth - Celestial Tower - Sub. Realms - Mines - Alien Journey - GENERAL
  • 11/29/07 - Now the top players listing skips inactive players, unless a viewer specifically requests to see them.
  • 11/20/07 - Added the ability to rename a hero if it has played less than 32 turns so far.
  • 10/22/07 - In The Sandy Wastes: Added a penalty of lost turns for running from the lizard.
  • 10/02/07 - In The Lost City:
      Increased the chance of finding things at the mines by 30%, at the mountains by 20%, and at the catacombs by 10%. Also increased the chance that the ancient one appears due to the amount of gems you have.
    • Added a new rare item.
    • Increased the Book of Knowledge per turn knowledge bonus from 1 to 1 to 3.
  • 09/29/07 - In The Lost City: Added result highlighting, to make it visually easier to follow what happens.
  • 09/07/07 - In The Sulphur Mines: Added fill-up bars for energy and body.
  • 09/06/07 - In The Celestial Tower: Added result highlighting, and a fill-up bar for energy.
  • 09/04/07 - In The Subterranean Realms: Added a rare item, increased the effectiveness of the Helm of Might by +5%, and added lots of results highlighting, including a fill-up bar for energy.
  • 08/13/07 - In The Subterranean Realms: You now get additional bonuses for defeating certain numbers of monsters: less herbs and energy needed for future fights.
  • 08/13/07 - Simplified the overall rating screen to show only a player's rating versus the best high score, but the more complex comparison can still be seen via a link.
  • 07/18/07 - When a player logs in on their yearly anniversary of joining Arcane Journeys, they get 2 free credits. If they joined on an uknown date, they get this bonus if they log in on January 1st.
  • 07/16/07 - In The Ruins of Ashkelon: Now, after you feed the animals (formerly frogs, crickets and lizards - now just lizards), they move one space away from you. Also, you get an experience reward as well as a score bonus.
  • 07/16/07 - In The Ancient Catacombs: Updated the astrolabe function to show multiple estimated times to finish, based on defeating the undead kings and collecting the gold.
  • 07/04/07 - In The Ancient Catacombs:
    • Defeated monsters now give experience bonuses depending on what their special powers are.
    • Added "analyze game state" link which tells you about some previously hidden attributes. This let me find and fix a bug where some of the artifice bonuses were using the hero's current artifice, instead of their maximum.
    • There is now a chance a hero will start with more than 1 artifice.
    • Minor item bonuses: when you slip away using the cloak of stealth, it lowers monster awareness, and when you have the luckstone, it reduces the chance of your shield and armor breaking.
    • Put a lighted border around the winner in combat for regular attacks.
  • 05/19/07 - In The Celestial Tower:
    • Reduced the number of keys needed to explore the library from 2 to 1 a turn.
    • Added another rare item.
  • 05/17/07 - In The Sulphur Mines: Added highlight coloring on the stats energy and body, to help alert you to them being low.
  • 05/17/07 - Redesigned game end screen, with added navigation links on the bottom.
  • 05/16/07 - In The Well: Made ignoring imps cost you only levels instead of levels and turns.
  • 05/05/07 - In The Well: Added opening picture, and re-wrote the intro text.
  • 02/26/07 - In The Western Dunes: Added stat change column, like in the Sandy Wastes.
  • 02/24/07 - In The Forgotten Forest: Added stat change column, like in the Sandy Wastes.
  • 02/16/07 - In The Ancient Catacombs:
    • Greed zombies now steal more gold the further down you are in the catacombs, but you also recover 1/2 to all the gold they stole from you if you defeat them.
    • Posion zombies increase their poison damage by 1 per every 20 catacombs levels.
    • Redrew combat results screen some, to make it more clear.
    • On the main screen, next to the Monster Awareness, the amount that awareness changed from your last action is shown in parenthesis beside it.
    • Reduced the amount battle cry and berserk raise monster awareness, by 10% and 5%.
  • 02/13/07 - Added a new buildable item: the Inn, which is buildable after the Shrine of Heroes, and gives you two more free heroes on your roster.
  • 01/28/07 - In The Ruins of Ashkelon: increased chance of losing mystic aura from fighting demons, and made it give you slightly less reward for defeating encounters while you have mystic aura.
  • 01/26/07 - In The Ruins of Ashkelon:
    • New navigation map featuring icons added. This also meant re-arranging the main screen a bunch.
    • The encounter screen re-arranged some, to make it more readable.
    • Wandering monsters added. They start to look for you as your score increases, and do things no other encounters do.
    • New item: Teleport Stone.
    • New stat "Energy" created to track turns until you get tired. A few things affect it a little, like running from a monster, and eating the magic fruit.
    • Many sleepiness variables tweaked and changed.
    • Hermit giving skill points changed to not be broken. I.e. he gives them much less.
    • Inspiration now gives +7 to defeat encounters.
    • Mysterious stranger removed from desert camp, and now you can gossip with camp people, instead.
    • Gossip, Meditate and Wander now give tiny XP if nothing else happens when you do them.
    • Removed exhaustion from high level strength encounters.
    • Increased hungry and tired penalties by 3 each.
    • Similar to Regeneration, Philosophy and Scavenging now don't work when you are hungry or tired. Slow metabolism doesn't work when you are tired.
    • High scores reset.
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