How to Play

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The Ruins of Ashkelon

Achieve the highest score possible in 1000 turns. You gain score by successfully completing encounters, and in a variety of other ways. (Not all are obvious.)
Moving and the Map

There is a small map to the right of the main text box. Your current location is shown at the center of the map. Click on the other places shown to travel to them. Places outlined in yellow mean there is something unusual about travelling there.
Basic Actions

Explore: See what you might encounter in the location you are in.
Gather...: Gather junk or food.
Rest: Regain Health

There are many other actions which appear in specific locations. They all do something useful.

This game has lots of secrets and puzzles to figure out. Good luck!

Health: How much damage you can take. The number on the left is your current health, the number on the right is your maximum. If your current health would drop below 1, you instead take turns in shock. However many turns are spent in shock are added to the current turn number, effectively causing you to play less turns overall. You may also take turns in shock if you take large amounts of damage in one blow.
Energy: When this gets to 0, you get sleepy.
Strength: Useful for defeating monsters, opening doors.
Charisma: Useful for aiding people, talking to them, singing.
Dexterity: Useful for avoiding traps, jumping, climbing.

The more famous you get (which means the higher your score and the longer you stay in one place) the more some unique wandering monsters will take notice of you and seek you out.

Gathering food: Be sure you have enough food for your journey. Be on the look out for places which have large amounts of food for you to gather. The Sand Dunes has a small amount per turn, so look for a better place soon.
Danger: This game can be dangerous! It is not as straight forward as the other games. Take care where you go.