How to Play

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The Journey to New Earth

Complete the tasks of the seven prophets who reside in various locations within this section of space, and they will lead you to New Earth.
Basic Actions

Navigation: Journey through the universe by pressing buttons from the controls on the right.
Explore...: Gather supplies and junk or debris, maybe encounter things.

There are many other actions which appear in specific locations under certain circumstances.

Followers: Helpful for infiltrating cities, and building shrines. They use supplies each turn.
Virtue: Gained by doing the right thing and teaching others.
Compassion: Gained by giving out supplies and helping people in need.
Adding these together and dividing by 20 gives you a rough percentage idea of how effective you are at convincing others of things.
Ships: You need at least one ship to travel around in space.
Fuel: You use fuel when traveling in space, and doing things there. Without it, you are stranded. Extra fuel can also help you evade space encounters.
Hull: If this goes down to zero, your ship is no longer flyable. If that happens when you are in space, you crash.
Junk: Technological remnants that you find. Can be traded, turned into fuel sometimes, and used to repair your ship's hull.
Supplies: Useful for feeding your followers, trading for some things, and giving out to the poor in cities.
Shrines: How many shrines you have built so far.

Fuel: Remember to watch your fuel consumption.
Navigation: It might be helpful to make a map.
The Prophets: Clues to the location of the prophets are shown when you are in the local cluster sector.